
Showing posts from November, 2020

Know Your Doctor: Check Profile of Swiss Biological Medicine Center

When you go through a phase of depression in your life, you try everything that you have read on the Internet to find a cure to the problem. There is no way you can get out of depression until you deal with the problem that actually caused it in the first place. There are researches which prove that  hormonal imbalance  can be a major cause of depression. You must consider getting under the visi on of a licensed practitioner who can study your problem and offer your appropriate solution. Know Your Doctor is a platform where you will come across many doctors who can help you with your condition. It is for the people of Cyprus and its surrounding area so that they can find medical aid with the click of a button. It is a database platform that gives you even the smallest information about a doctor, clinic, pharmacy and hospitals.  If you are looking for remedies for depression and want to consult a professional team for it, you must go to the webpage of Know Your Doctor and ...

Ask These Four Questions Before Choosing a Hormone Therapy Physician

Most women who reach  menopause  experience a lot of different symptoms such as a drop in energy levels, lower sex drive, sweating, stress, and sometimes depression too. These symptoms occur because of a change in the levels of female hormones in the body. But with medical advancement, it is now possible to get bioidentical hormone therapy to reduce these effects of hormonal imbalance in your body. This therapy includes using hormones that are identical to natural female hormones of progesterone and estrogen to reduce the symptoms of menopause resulting in maintaining the energy levels and sex drive. For this therapy, you need to consult a hormone therapy physician.  But before you head over to any hormone therapy physician, make sure to ask these questions to make the right choice.  ·  How qualified is the physician?  Yes, this is important to know. Just like any other doctor who has a special degree to treat an ailment, hormone therapy physician wi...