
Know Your Doctor: Check Profile of Swiss Biological Medicine Center

When you go through a phase of depression in your life, you try everything that you have read on the Internet to find a cure to the problem. There is no way you can get out of depression until you deal with the problem that actually caused it in the first place. There are researches which prove that  hormonal imbalance  can be a major cause of depression. You must consider getting under the visi on of a licensed practitioner who can study your problem and offer your appropriate solution. Know Your Doctor is a platform where you will come across many doctors who can help you with your condition. It is for the people of Cyprus and its surrounding area so that they can find medical aid with the click of a button. It is a database platform that gives you even the smallest information about a doctor, clinic, pharmacy and hospitals.  If you are looking for remedies for depression and want to consult a professional team for it, you must go to the webpage of Know Your Doctor and ...

Ask These Four Questions Before Choosing a Hormone Therapy Physician

Most women who reach  menopause  experience a lot of different symptoms such as a drop in energy levels, lower sex drive, sweating, stress, and sometimes depression too. These symptoms occur because of a change in the levels of female hormones in the body. But with medical advancement, it is now possible to get bioidentical hormone therapy to reduce these effects of hormonal imbalance in your body. This therapy includes using hormones that are identical to natural female hormones of progesterone and estrogen to reduce the symptoms of menopause resulting in maintaining the energy levels and sex drive. For this therapy, you need to consult a hormone therapy physician.  But before you head over to any hormone therapy physician, make sure to ask these questions to make the right choice.  ·  How qualified is the physician?  Yes, this is important to know. Just like any other doctor who has a special degree to treat an ailment, hormone therapy physician wi...

Know All About Swiss Biological Medicine Center on Know Your Doctor

Most of you have experienced that after taking some allopathic medicine your body had to suffer from its side-effects. While some people prefer allopathy more, there is a larger section in the society that prefers natural remedies for getting treatment for their health problems. Hundreds of years ago when there were no medical facilities, mankind had no other choice but to use the natural sources that were available. Even today, naturopathy, homeopathic treatments are highly popular. If you live in Cyprus and are looking for  Chelation therapy , then you must check out information on Know Your Doctor. Here you will find a profile in the name of Swiss Biological Medicine Center where you can find all sorts of treatment that are 100% natural and safe.  Swiss Biological Medicine Center is a prestigious center with a lifelong vision of Dr. Dinos Xydas. He is a highly experienced doctor who has more than 25 years of knowledge and practical experience. He has graduated from a top un...

Signs You Need Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

There are so many treatments for hormone imbalance. But the sad thing is that most of them have a lot of side effects. That’s why people don’t want to get those therapies. However, hormone replacement therapy is different. And the most interesting thing is that it has very few side effects. Also, the side effects depend from candidate to candidate and the quality of therapy a person has received.  This means that if you are a good candidate and you have got the right  bioidentical hormone therapy , you will enjoy the best results. But the main question is how will you understand whether you need this therapy or not? Do you have any idea? Or do you know its signs and symptoms? Well, even if you know, you can read the points that are mentioned below to make sure that you don’t miss out on any of them. So let’s get started.  ·  Mood Swings:  One of the most common signs which indicate that you need a hormone therapy is frequent mood s...

Get Homeopathy Remedies for Depression from Know Your Doctor

Depression is something that you should not be ashamed of because you are not alone. Yes, you have read that right! There are plenty of people around the world who are depressed and feel just the way you do. So, don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Don’t be ashamed to hold the hand of your loved ones to feel better. Don’t be ashamed to talk about your mental health. And don’t be ashamed to look for homeopathic remedies for depression . Why? It’s because no one deserves to feel a heavy burden on their chest everytime. And if you do, you will feel better. And for this, you should choose homeopathy as it is a much healthier way to treat depression. If you also think so, you should take help from Know Your Doctor to find the best medical center. It is an amazing platform that has helped many people till now to get immediate medical help in different locations like Paphos, Cyprus, Larnaca, Limassol, Nicosia or Ammochostos. Know Your Doctor is not like any other medical platform...

Major Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Women in Menopause

Hormones are a major category of molecules in human body that control numerous essential functions. Starting from increase in height, controlling your blood sugar level to giving rise to gender-specific features, hormones play a major role in the human body. The lack or absence of hormones can cause serious health issues and hinder with the daily life. This is extremely true for women who have entered post-reproductive phase of their life also known as menopause. During menopause there is a sudden drop in the level of hormones, such as progesterone, estrogen, testosterone. These hormones are important for maintaining a healthy bone and muscle mass. Drop in the level can cause the degeneration of bone and muscle resulting in problems. The best solution to overcome this issue is opting for bioidentical hormone therapy which has the following the benefits: · Reduce Night Sweats and Hot Flashes : When your body has hormone imbalance, your hypothalamus overreacts to the sligh...